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Project “PERFORMING PROCESSES - BODY: STATE OF MEMORY | CLANDESTINA - CONTINUING TRAINING IN ART EDUCATION, EXCHANGE AND CIRCULATION OF SHOW ”contemplated by FunCultura Guarulhos 2019/2020. Support Guarulhos City Department of Culture. Directed by Neumann Produções.

The Center for Scenic Provocations aims to share artistic processes and shared orientation of video dance or video performance art, during the meetings it will be proposed that each member creates and / or shares their artistic works.

At the end of the meetings, those who wish to create or share an artistic work, will be able to compose the program of the International Festival of Video Clandestine Dances to be held in October 2020.

All meetings of the core of artistic provocations will be free.

In prevention against COVID-19, all activities will take place virtually.

Core Mediators


Nata Neumann


  • Facebook - Nata Neumann
  • Instagram - @nata.neumann

Nata Neumann, born in São Paulo (SP), is an art educator, dancer and cultural producer. Graduated in Bachelor of Tourism and Dance Technique.
He was a member as a performer and choreographer of Grupo Cênico Retalhos Ululantes since 2009-2017. Her last experience as an art-educator and artistic-pedagogical articulator was at PiÁ - Artistic Initiation Program - 2018/2019 editions. He is currently a member of N'Kinpa - Center for Black and Peripheral Cultures and Neumann Produções.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-12 at

Veronica Santos


  • Facebook - Verônica Santos
  • Instagram - @veronicacorpossantos

Verônica Santos, born in Belo Horizonte (MG), is a dancer, performer, choreographer, body trainer, movement director, actress, art educator. Partner - founder and director of Corpórea Companhia de Corpos, founded in 2016 in the city of São Paulo, research center for the black body in the artistic scene. She is the general director of the show “RÉS”, awarded in the project “Rumos Itaú Cultural” 2018/2019, with the “Ocupação RÉS” WOMEN IN CÁRCERE.

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